Hi, for about a week I've been getting this page instead of the home page and not sure what to do. Here's a pic. Tried to make a forum support ticket but it didn't recognize my login. Thanks
Just for the heck of it IROKONESS you might try a different browser and see if it does the same thing. I am not familiar with the one in your screenshot, so try Internet Explorer, Firefox or Chrome.
K, gonna try Firefox.
Well look at this.
And my first browser is Opera. It started doing this last week... been using for months, never had a prob... sheesh
Thankyou LightStar, I wouldn't have thought of that. You the man. I see karma in your future.
Opera button top left corner is where you'll find settings located,see no reason not to reset to defaults then reset the homepage again.Opera,firefox & chrome all use the same engine.There is two 64bit firefox versions the other being waterfox
mozbackup -portable app to make backups of your mozilla firefox/waterfox settings,history,addons etc,etc
edit:however now you have ff you'll most probably not go back hehe
useful addons you may like to try
adblockedge -blocks ads
flashcontrol -stops auto play of flash content by placing a play button dead center in flash,hit it if you want content to play
all-in-one sidebar -handy collapsible sidebar for your fav's,addons,downloads & history
NoSquint -auto sets pages for easier reading by increasing fonts size
ghostery -blocks tracking cookies
speed dial -similar to opera
addons here can be got here
Wow, how cool is this. I am gonna try some out. Speed Dial. gotit Sidebar, not a big fan. Flashcontrol, very interesting...
Banned for not checking the pockets of the last outfit you wore. Hehe!
Seriously, tho, I'm not familiar with Opera, either, but I'm glad you got it sorted through Firefox.
After all, we wouldn't want you to be MIA, now would we.
Well I uninstalled, then reinstalled. Voila! Just thought of it. And it's better to have a hole in your pocket than a hole in your shoe. Just thought of that too.
Banning starkers for traveling. Thanks muchly.
Don't even bother. He has been banned from so many things you can't count them all. Problem is no matter what you ban him from you can't get rid of him so don't waist your time.
Me thinks of banning DaveBax for being a secret starkers best fan. hmm?
I didn't travel, I hopped from one thread to another to see how you're doin'... not that I'm stalking you or anything.
Hehe, you'd know all about it, turning up here, there and everywhere like a bad penny. I mean, doesn't the fact that you were not given a personal invitation tell you something? Truth is, you've probably been thrown out of more places than I've been in, so it's a bit like the pot calling the kettle black, isn't it!!!!
No point banning him, m' dear, he'll turn up like a politician kissing babies on polling day and carry on regardless. And it's no secret that he's one of my best fans, turning up pretty near everywhere I go and pretending to diss me when in fact he admires me so, so much. Ya know, he admires me so much he even tries to style his hair the same way as me.... not that it's too successful with a toupee. He even tried to emulate me at tap dancing cos he'd heard I was good at it.... trouble was. he kept losing his balance and was forever falling into the sink.
I give up. You know me to well.
Have to correct this however. I use the bathtub.
The bathtub, eh? That's cheating! Nah, ya gotta start with the kitchen sink and work yer way up, and then you can only use the bathtub if there's more than one of you... like a duo or a tap dancing quartet.
I learned tap from one of the best. Yeah, dad watched a lot of Fred Astaire movies.