[e digicons]:karma:[/e] Hi folks, I have a problem that's been bugging me for weeks..... I recently reinstalled my Window's 7. When it came to the question about allowing WiFi connections on my PC I answered no. Cuz I have a PC. Why would I need WiFi???
Well as life would have it I am now in a position where I can only get WiFi to get on the internet where I'm living. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH
I have tried everything I can think of but, still can't get that darn pc connection to accept anything. It doesn't even acknowledge that it exists....{wifi}
If anyone can help I will be such a happy gal!!!!!!!!!! I have to go to the library to access the internet so, if I dont't answer right away know that it's not my fault and will reply as soon as possible.
Thanks for your time.
Solved [e digicons]:karma:[/e]